FOIL LIFESTYLE 8 mod board

Flyweight Pro - MOD 84

A lightweight reactive new shape that drives with more forward momentum. Tighter turns, and longer travels.
MOD 84 - TOP
MOD 84 - BASE 2
MOD 84 - INSET 1
MOD 84 - INSET 2
MOD 84 - INSET 10
MOD 84 - INSET 11
MOD 84 - INSET 3
MOD 84 - INSET 4
MOD 84 - INSET 5
MOD 84 - INSET 6
MOD 84 - INSET 9
MOD 84 - INSET 8
MOD 84 - INSET 7

Pendulum – Suspended from a fixed point so that it can swing freely backward and forward. The Flyweight Pro is based on a new style of board designs where the rider shifts their weight farther forward and the profile of the board allows the rider to pump with more forward momentum. Created with a thicker profile with a deep V running through the middle, and an exaggerated bevel on the outside pushing the water away as soon as the board touches down. The result is a board that will allow you to rise and begin your forward momentum even after catching the surface of the water. A faster, lighter board that will turn with more attack angle.


A lighter is better mindset mixed with carbon stringers for added snap.  Our lightest core makes swing weights thing of the past, with carbon through the tail for added durability and added power on every pump.  

A lighter is better mindset mixed with carbon stringers for added snap. Our lightest core makes swing weight a thing of the past, with carbon through the tail for added durability and added power in every pump.



about why we took our time creating a line of foil products – let’s take a stroll down memory lane. Our journey in flight started out MODifiying foils in the summer of 1984 on the Colorado River. It was such a wild experience with speeds as slow as 5mph but the exhilaration as if we were going 25mph. We used foils on kneeboards, wakeboards and even combo skis – yeah true story - we flew on 2 skis (it was pretty sketchy). Mike, Herb and the rest of our crew had some amazing experiences riding all things levitation which led to us making the original Air Chair many moons ago. Foiling never left us – for the past four decades - levitation has been in our DNA as enthusiasts and as creators.

HERB O’BRIEN | A Hydrodynamic Visionary

The greatest mind in watersports, Born on July 27th (7/27) 1944, and is regarded as the pioneer of the modern-day compression molded waterski, wakeboard, wakeskate and wakesurfer along with forever changing watersports footwear. As one of the main founders of Ronix, his spirit of endless innovation will live on forever. Foiling is so unique – requiring the finest design elements of hydro and aerodynamics. If you are only focused on lift and speed – you might be sacrificing stability or response so finding that crucial balance between the two is everything.

ED O’BRIEN | An Aerodynamic Visionary

Herb’s father, was also born on July 27th (7/27) 1910 and grew up in the Seattle area. Ed had a landmark run in the field of aeronautics. One of the key engineers for the B17, B47 airplanes, the Bomarc, Minuteman missiles and also worked on the 727 airplane too. He carried his methodical mind over to developing the blueprint for the most historic man made private R&D center – Radar Lake.

In tribute to these brilliant people in their respective fields, combining the best attributes of foiling (hydro and aerodynamics) - we proudly present the 727 series: A collection of products paying homage to two people that both lived with a never-ending mindset of product revolution. For us, going to market requires a different expectation and vision and with that comes a totally different timetable. 

Size Chart

Intermediate Weight Range
Advanced Weight Range
3'9" 16.6 2.5 19 UP TO 170


4'2" 21.1 2.9 19 UP TO 200 ALL SIZES

There isn’t a very direct correlation between board size and rider size.

We have had people 230 lbs. preferring the 3’9 and other people 175 lbs. preferring the 4’2.

Since there isn’t much contact between the board and the water determining the board push and drive the way that there is on a wakesurf board – instead size is determined by ability and style.

Benefits of a 3’9 length

    • The most amount of lift
    • Quicker response
    • More attack angle in your cutbacks
    • More power in your pumping

Benefits of a 4’2 length.

  • Easier deep water starts – if you are new to foiling in addition to a shorter mast and a balance front wing this 4’8 length will help with your learning curve to foiling
  • More control, stability, and comfort in rougher water conditions


Purchasing an individual board (not a complete foil kit) - you will need to individually purchase the foil track hardware or any other required hardware.

Purchasing a complete foil kit - every complete Ronix set up comes with all necessary hardware, protective sleeves, bags, etc.


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