My name is Mary Morgan Howell, but most people call me MM. :) I am 19 years old, and I just started my sophomore year of college at Rollins College. Majoring in International Business and minoring in Spanish and Communication. Of corse I am SUPER passionate about wakeboarding, but I’m also passionate about my faith, my family, and all things health and well being. My favorite things to do beside wakeboard are: spend time with my fam, get people out on the water, strength train, take loooooong walks, write in my journal, and listen to good ole country music with my Dad. I also love quotes. My current favorite quote is, “You are always going to be second if you're trying to be somebody else.” BE UNIQUELY YOU!!!

Awards & Recognition
2022 Moomba Masters Champion
2022 Masters Champion
2022 2nd Place WWA Nationals